New Years Resolutions

Yup. I’ve jumped on the bandwagon.  I have new years resolutions and I’m blogging about it.

First one? Write more. My goal is to put out one post a week. Not only for you to read, but for me to stay in the habit of writing. As wonderful as it is to no longer have papers due, it’s still good to improve my writing.

Now the the second resolution? Lost weight. But I’m going to go about it different this time.

Every time I try to go on a diet or cut out a certain food, I fail. I have been trying to figure out a way to win long-term. The biggest problem is the intensity with which I start. Take p90x for example. I have seen results with it, but never long-term. Take a guy like me who doesn’t exercise or eat very well and give him a program that is supposed to get him in great shape in 90 days.

I start out so strong and fizzle out, like everyone else in America with my physique.

I have finally realized the problem. It’s who I am. It’s how I function. My entire lifestyle is wrong.

It takes 40 days to form a habit (or so I’ve heard). So here’s my new plan.

I form 1 new habit every 40 days. That’s easy. Just do 1 thing. I write down what I’m doing, then track my weight every morning. My first habit is no eating after 8pm. It’s been pretty easy so far. I can eat whatever I want the rest of the day, but nothing before bed.

I’ve lost a little weight already, and feel like I haven’t even tried.

Eventually I would like to be working out every day, but I know now I have to keep it simple. 1 habit at a time is how I can change who I am.

My goal used to be “get muscles and lose weight.” And I was usually thinking of being there within 6 months.  My goal has changed dramatically though. They are much more realistic. Rather than having a 3 or 6 month plan, it is now a 2 year plan. This time next year, I want to be healthy. That’s it. This time 2 years from now, I want to be fit.

Now it’s highly possible to reach both those goals within 1 year. But I know me, and I know I need to take this slow, otherwise I’ll fizzle out again.

I’m excited for what 2014 holds. What kind of resolutions have you made this year?