I have a 9 month old

ZooAlmost every morning, while my eyes are still closed, I hear my wife whispering at the doorway. What this usually means is that she is telling Amelia the plan of attack, and I’m about to have a little baby land on me.

And I love it every time.

I still can’t believe I’m a dad. What is even harder to believe is the fact that in 3 months we’ll be having a birthday party for a 1 year old. Bethany doesn’t want to think about that yet. I don’t blame her.

And yet it’s the truth. Time is flying by. She’s getting bigger. She’s also getting to be more fun. Man she’s fun. She can interact with you, feed herself (some things), but sadly cannot use the toilet yet. She is constantly discovering new things. How to use her hands in different ways, how to make different sounds with her mouth, and how to move (in a circle at least).


But one of the most amazing things is my change in perspective. For example, I am no longer afraid of getting stung by a wasp. That stupid thing just better stay away from my little girl.  I would take on anything to keep that little girl safe.

What has also surprised me are the emotions. I have never felt the kind of joy as I do when Amelia is laughing. I have also never felt the extreme frustration like I have when she is crying in the night. Especially when she wants her pacifier. I give it to her, she takes it out of her mouth, throws it, and it inevitably ends up under the crib. EVERY TIME! I do admit she has amazing aim though.

Being a dad is a great joy, though. You do give up some things, but you also gain invaluable things. I could not imagine Amelia not being in my life.

Money is a little tighter, as well as time. But nothing in the world compares to holding your own baby. Every other issue fades away, and all you’re left with is your perfect wife and perfect baby.

I thank God every day for blessing me so abundantly.

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